HomeTax Planning5 International Tax Havens

5 International Tax Havens

Are you familiar with tax accountants and international tax havens? Do you want to know the top tax havens? Then, this post is perfect for you.

Tax Haven Overview

Tax havens or offshore financial centers refer to the places where wealthy individuals and business owners keep their money in offshore accounts. The primary reason for it is to avoid taxes. They are tax shelters that are often low-tax and small jurisdictions in remote areas. You can hold money within anonymous entities and shell companies.

Understanding Tax Havens

Generally, tax havens do not require the business presence or residency for businesses and individuals to take advantage of the tax policies. They also share no or limited information with any foreign tax authority.

International tax shelters benefit from the capital the countries provided to the economy. Individuals and businesses must set up accounts at financial institutions, banks, and other investment mediums to let the funds flow.

Businesses or individuals can benefit from low or no income tax in foreign countries where credits, loopholes, and special tax considerations are usually allowed. Generally, tax havens’ characteristics include:

  • Tax haven vehicles marketing.
  • No local presence requirements.
  • No transparency obligations.
  • Minimal information reports.
  • Low or no income taxes.

What are the Socioeconomic Factors that Make A Specific Destination An Ideal Tax Haven

Besides secrecy and lower or no taxes, you need to consider some socioeconomic factors to ensure that you will end with a tax haven that suits best your needs. These socioeconomic factors include:

1. Economic and Political Stability

If there is no economic and political stability in a location, no tax inducement amount will attract outside investors. For instance, Switzerland is a popular tax haven because of its economic and political stability.

2. Treaties

Mauritius became one of the popular tax havens because of its loopholes in many different tax avoidance treaties that are signed with various jurisdictions. Several tax havens have become less popular because of different information-sharing treaties that are signed with multiple governments.

3. No Exchange Controls

If individuals and businesses put their money in a country that is subject to exchange controls, they can face some investment risks.

4. Location

Location is one of the essential factors in the specific destinations’ popularity. For instance, the Bahamas is a popular international tax haven for many corporations in the US because of its closeness to Florida.

5. Support, Professional, and Banking Service

While Austria and Switzerland are not strictly tax havens, these destinations are popular for international banking services. They are also famous for being safe asset destinations.

What are the Top 5 International Tax Havens You Should Know

Tax regulations can vary depending on the jurisdictions. Some countries are world-renowned for the numerous tax benefits they offer for offshore companies, individuals, trusts, and various financial vehicles.

With tax havens, individuals and companies can have a legal way for high tax avoidance. Plus, they offer a higher privacy level and less tax information exchange agreement.

If you want to take advantage of tax havens but have no idea where to start, and what to choose, the top 5 international tax havens below will give you valuable ideas:

1. British Virgin Islands (5,235 Sink)

The British Virgin Islands is situated 60 miles SE from Puerto Rico in the Caribbean and the world’s top tax haven. It holds over 5,000 times the value of what the location’s economy should have.

In 2017, the destination’s officials released a report that claims that the British territory is not a tax shelter. Instead, it is a robust global economy contributor as well as an international investment and trade facilitator.

2. Taiwan (2,278 Sink)

The EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council named Taiwan as a potential tax haven in 2017. While the tax haven is a disputed nation since China is claiming the country their own territory, it still regards itself as an independent democracy.

In 2019, the EU removed the country from the blacklist after making commitments for reforming the tax system.

3. Jersey (397 Sink)

Jersey is part of the Channel Islands that are located between France and England. When wealthy British begun moving to Jersey and transferring their assets in the 1920s, it gained a reputation as a top tax haven.

Many individuals preferred Jersey because of its lack of inheritance and wealth taxes. In 2019, the Tax Justice Network ranked it as one of the world’s most aggressive tax-havens.

4. Bermuda (374 Sink)

Bermuda is situated in North Carolina’s eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The British island territory’s economy relies mainly on financial services like insurance. The destination has a population of roughly 71,000.

In 2016, Oxfam declared Bermuda as the world’s corporate tax haven because it has no personal income tax and a 0% tax rate. However, it is one of the world’s best tax havens if you want to avoid taxation. In 2015, the EU named it one of the top 30 countries blacklisted as tax havens.

5. Cayman Islands (331 Sink)

The Cayman Islands is a popular tax haven because of its lack of corporate taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, and personal income taxes. Plus, the country does not require withholding taxes on foreign entities.

In 2015, the EU declared the Cayman Islands as one of the top countries blacklisted as tax havens. In 2019, the country made a promise that it will reveal every person’s identities who own a company by the year 2023.

The country is situated in the Caribbean’s western part, just about south of Cuba. It is also a famous international banking center.


The tax haven existence offers lots of effects. It gives businesses and individuals with low or no tax liability in an economically and politically stable environment. It does not require the business presence or residency to put assets in it.

Many individuals and companies can benefit from no or little income tax in foreign countries where special tax considerations like credits and loopholes are allowed. So, it’s no surprise why more and more businesses and individuals are taking advantage of international tax havens.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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