HomePersonal Finance10 Key Aspects of Financial Planning

10 Key Aspects of Financial Planning

As an adult, saving money is your responsibility, not your parent’s. However, with bills and other expenses to pay, saving money becomes more difficult. Fortunately, there is a solution to help keep your finances in order with your costs in mind: financial planning.

However, there are essential aspects of financial planning to focus on during the planning process. The legal aspects of financial planning will help you meet all the emergencies and expectancies of life.

Let’s learn more about the 10 Key aspects of financial planning:

1. Investment Planning

One of the most crucial aspects of financial planning is investment planning. This is when you create clear-cut financial goals and then compare those objectives to your financial resources. Investments can include many different things, such as property, equities, bonds, cash, and stocks. Please note that these planning financial aspects never guarantee that you will make a significant gain or won’t deal with financial risks through your investments.

2. Debt Management

Besides emphasizing your future investments, debt management is also a key aspect of financial planning. After all, tackling one’s finances does involve not just current and future expenses and goals but also one-time payments that are still due. Through debt management, one’s financial advisor can decide, based on their client’s current expenses, how their debts can best be managed, how much will be spent monthly to tackle these debts, and of course, if any current luxury expenses should be cut to pay back debts on time. Options such as equity release could help in these instances. A financial advisor can even help you get lower payments or interest rates to assist you with paying back your debts with these aspects of financial planning.

3. Life Insurance Assessment

It is also an integral aspect of financial planning, including deciding what types of insurance you will need to continue to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your possessions. Life insurance is an incredibly important legal aspect of financial planning to help alleviate expenses during times of need – medical emergencies, long-term disability coverage, and the like. Your needs for certain types of insurance will change throughout your life. That said, reassessing the types of insurance you will need, the amount of coverage you may require per year, and the monthly premiums you can afford are all necessary to weigh. Your age, health, and financial situation are equally important in this planning financial aspect.

4. Retirement Planning

When do you plan on retiring? What are your retirement goals? Where do you plan to live after you retire? How much do you expect to have by the time you retire? A financial advisor can assist you with answering the latter questions to help you develop an efficient plan. When planning for retirement, the idea is to ensure you’ll have enough retirement funds to live the life you feel you deserve during your golden years. The last thing you’ll want to do is come out of retirement to fund a lifestyle you didn’t know you wouldn’t be able to afford in the first place.

5. Estate Planning

A vital aspect of financial planning is creating an estate plan. To one’s surprise, a whopping 60 percent of adult Americans alone need to prepare with an estate plan or a will, according to AARP. However, estate planning in Austin, TX, is essential. After you pass, you will want to ensure your assets get distributed as per your wishes. Estate planning financial aspects not only guarantee your loved ones will receive the help you want to give them, but it also makes achieving such assets much more accessible – especially during grieving.

Estate planning is an aspect of financial planning for anyone looking to leave a little help for their family, whether it’s an inheritance or a small amount of money that can assist your family with paying for funeral expenses. It is also necessary to have your estate assets lined up, so there aren’t any issues between family members or other people such as business partners or friends in your life. It helps to keep things established and can guarantee your assets go to the rightful person or people. This is where having a good Estate Planning Lawyer comes in.

 A good lawyer who can help you safeguard your estate for your friends and family makes a difference. These legal aspects of financial planning can help you attain long-term financial stability without worrying.

6. Emergency funds

Emergency funds are also a key aspect of financial planning. These are the Sums you should keep aside to meet the emergencies that life can throw on you unexpectedly. However, you must refrain from touching this fund in regular expenses. Emergencies are not just medical emergencies; they cover other sudden expenditures such as sudden car repair, Unexpected unemployment, etc. There are 2 types of emergency funds: Firstly, Long-term emergency funds are used to meet long-term emergencies. Secondly, Short-term emergency funds are readily available at any point in time when you need them. You are not required to touch your long-term emergency funds to meet minor emergencies if you keep aside short-term emergency funds.

7. Insurance coverage

Insurance is a key aspect of financial planning because you can save a considerable amount of your earnings if you invest correctly. Many incidences in life bring setbacks. In such cases, insurance coverages help a lot in meeting financial necessities. Whether an event happens, an unexpected death, medical expenses, or any situation that leads to colossal money loss or loss of income, the insurance coverage planning financial aspects work as a savior. There are various types of policies that you can buy, such as life insurance, Medical insurance, Auto insurance, etc.

8. Financial protection

Financial protection is key aspects of financial planning that work as the gap filler in your financial security strategy. Additionally, it ensures that you and your family are capable enough to meet any financial emergency. Sudden death, disability, or any unforeseen issue that can lead to a stop in income can be a massive disaster for the family. Financial protection protects you against these issues.

9. Cashflow Management

Cashflow management is one of the key aspects of financial planning. Therefore, it covers all the essential areas of financial planning. A great financial plan gives you an insight into the opportunities and issues of your cash inflow and outflow. Once you understand your cash flow correctly, you can make an effective financial plan. Cashflow also determines whether you are in a condition to take more debt.

10. Risk management

Risk management is also one of the essential parts of the financial planning process. It determines how you are going to face the lemons of life. For instance, how will you meet an unexpected medical emergency, or how will you cope with the sudden loss in the company? All these should be included in your financial planning. Risk management planning financial aspects help you stay ready for such situations without losing your financial stability to a great extent.


Overall, deciding to opt for financial planning is a mature step. There is no shame in breaking down your financial expenses and goals to ensure you can always make ends meet without help from friends, family, or loans for borrowing money. You’re better off managing your finances right the first time around. The above-explained legal aspects of financial planning will help you make an excellent financial plan.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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