HomeInvestment7 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

7 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

Have you promised yourself to do better with money this year? Well, 2018 is when your financial dreams come true, as we look into the seven ways to make more money. There are a multitude of ways to find some extra cash, especially with such easy access to the internet. Some people choose to start their own company or sell things online that they don’t use anymore.

If you enjoy watching sports, for example, you might want to consider gambling. Avid rugby watchers might want to cast their bets through an online rugby betting service or inside a betting shop. However, if sport isn’t for you, let’s look at seven different ways you could make some more money.

7 Ways to Make Money

Our article will go through many methods to increase income, including some sneaky best ways to save tax in India.

Negotiate for A Transport Allowance to Go with Your Salary

You can claim for travel allowance from your employer, which is funding for your commute between your work and home. You can either opt for:

  • A monthly allowance of Rs. 1,600.
  • And it works out at Rs. 19200 annually.

Both of them schemes exempt you from paying taxes.

Use Food Coupons

Use a small part of your salary to claim food coupons

Benefits of Food Coupons

You are exempt from tax of up to Rs. 55 per day. You get to claim for two meals for 22 working days, which gives you Rs. 26,400 annually.

This scheme is one of the best ways to save tax in India.

Get Medical Insurance for Your Whole Family!

Good health insurance can cover you, your children, and your spouse, which allows a tax reduction of up to a maximum of Rs. 25,000.

Under section 80D (Indian tax law), it states that you can even claim an additional Rs. 30,000 by securing your parents too.

How to Maximize the Section 80C Deduction

If You Claim the Total Rs 1.5 Lakhs:

Under section 80C, you can reduce your annual tax by Rs 45,000 – providing you fall into the 30% tax bracket.

You Can Also Claim Several Other Expenses:

  • Contributing to EPF.
  • The premium you paid for your life insurance.
  • School fees.
  • You are making repayments on your home loan.

What to Do With The Remaining Balance of 80C?

Choose investments like:

  • PPF
  • ELSS
  • SIP


PPF is a favorite and best way to save tax – controlled by the Government of India, and it offers high returns on fixed deposits. Unlike the stock market, the interest rate is far less volatile in comparison. It’s a long-term investment and has a lock-in of 15 years. However, one of the benefits is the amount of tax it exempts too.


It’s an equity-linked savings scheme that efficiently saves tax. Classed as an equity fund, it invests a minimum of 80% in equity and other related instruments of numerous businesses.

So if you love to dabble in investment; this could be one of the best ways to save tax and make money.


SIP stands for Systematic Investment Plan; it’s another way to invest in mutual funds. You need to pay every month, instead of paying one initial deposit.

You invest in periodic durations like Quarterly/Monthly etc. and get to make ten investments of Rs. 1000, while not having to change any other financial liabilities.

It works best for those on a tight budget, as many repayments mean you pay smaller amounts to join, e.g., Rs. 500 per month or Rs. 1000 per month.

Send Vacation Bills Before the Deadline

Are you making a trip to India? Then claim for a Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) from your employer – how they don’t need to supply this scheme.

It can only be claimed by your employer, and it gives you the fare for the shortest distance between two locations. If traveling by plane, then the exemption only offers an economy class.

So if you’re lucky enough to receive this from work, then make sure to send in your vacation bills on time.

Do You Rent Your Home? Then Claim Tax Benefits on Rent Repayments

If you receive a fixed salary and pay rent, then claim tax benefit on HRA – which is either partially or fully exempt from paying tax.

It’s also available to those who still live at home and pay rent to their parents. However, they must include this on their tax return.

Send in Your Medical Bills on Time

The majority of workers are entitled to medical reimbursements of Rs. 15,000.

You can submit the following:

  • Medicine bills
  • Doctor consultations
  • Lab test bills

Similar to vacation bills, this scheme can only be provided by your employer.

Also Read: How to Save Money on Personal Finance

The Bottom Line

We’ve looked at all the best ways to save tax, which will be sure to help you keep your money this year. Many of the options aren’t just for the benefits of avoiding tax, but you can also make a significant profit from them too.

Just make sure to do a lot of research before taking out any of the plans, and don’t be afraid to make a lot of comparisons, to work out the best way to save tax.

Ajeet Sharma, the founder of Financegab and a well-known name in the field of financial blogging. Blogging since 2017, he has the expertise and excellent knowledge about personal finance. Financegab is all about personal finance which aims to create awareness among people about personal finance and help them to make smart, well-informed financial decisions.


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